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10 Branding words to know

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An overview of key Branding terms you must deeply understand.

An overview of key Branding terms you must deeply understand.

🪨Brand element

A brand element helps to represent and differentiate the brand in the marketplace. They make up the brand identity.

They remind us, reinforce, and create recognition for the brand's identity.

Logo, Colors, Fonts, Taglines, Images, Packaging, Tone, Sounds and even Mascots are all brand elements.

🔄Memory Structure

Memory structure are the unconscious narratives, experiences and symbols associated with the Brand.

They refers to how consumers store and recall information about a brand in their minds. It's the network of associations, feelings, and experiences linked to a brand that helps people recognize and remember it.

A strong memory structure means that the brand is easily recognized and recalled, and so influence purchasing decisions.

🍯Brand Stickiness

The Brand Stickiness refers to how effectively a brand is recognized, remembered and referred to in conversation

🤩Brand Offers

A Brand Offer refer to the specific Value Propositions that a brand provides to its customers.

These are the tangible and intangible benefits that a brand promise to deliver, which differentiate it from competitors. Compare to a promise, an offer weight in more factors in such as price and effort to be defined by the buyer, when the promise refer to the anticipation of the offer.

💸Value Proposition

A clear statement that explains how a product or service solves a problem, delivers specific benefits, and distinguishes itself from competitors.

🏡Brand asset

Brand Assets are piece of communication for the Brand. They encompass any piece of communication that represents the brand.

In terms of industrial design, this include the products, stores, packaging that represent the Brand aesthetics, quality, value and directly engage the Buyer's perception.

In terms of communication, this might be the brand website, a social media post, a commercial, customer service interactions, or any other way the brand engages with its audience.

Essentially, anything that conveys the brand’s message and values can be considered a Brand Asset.

📣Diffusion channels

Diffusion Channels are the medium through which the brand assets are shared with others.

A diffusion channel refers to the pathway or method through which a message, innovation, idea, or information spreads throughout a population or market. In our case, it’d be the brand assets that spread through social media, TV, sponsoring, or word of mouth,  prompted through adoption, social currency, and peer influence and augmented by paid advertising or by more visibility.

🪄Brand Experience

A Brand Experience encompasses all the sensory, emotional, and cognitive responses that a customer experiences when engaging with a brand as well as the establish narratives behind their memory structure.


The Buyers are the brand’s customers.


The Avatar is the ideal buyer or customer.


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