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Brand Resonance

✍️ This Module is in Work In Progress and it's content subject to change.
Create Psychological Bonds and Resonance

Create a psychological bond and resonate with your prospect through Polarities, Purpose, Personality and Archetypes.


The Yin & Yang

Different Brand Polarities help differentiate your Brand, either falling to one pole or another, or creating a dynamic tension that make the brand more distinctive and memorable.

Exclusive vs Inclusive Brands

Exclusive: Focus on higher price point and status, led by scarcity

Inclusive: Focus on opportunities and offers, led by social proof

Abstract vs Literal

Abstract Brands carry emotional meanings that go beyond language or concepts, embodying a deeper, unconscious sensorial connection with the audience

Literal Brands convey clears and logical messages to the conscious mind.

Tradition vs. Innovation

Traditional Conservative approach, embracing heritage and history

Innovation future-focus, pushing boundaries.

Functionality vs. Aesthetics:

Functional Focus on tangible applications, utility

Aesthetic Focus on appeal, belonging and superficial factors

🤔 Next steps
  • Clarify where your brand tend between each of those polarities.
  • Does your brand include any interesting conflicts from those polarity? If yes pull the intensity of the tension to help contrast with other brands.
  • Choose where your Brand Language stands on this scope, identifying where your chosen Semantic field stand.

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