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Getting your Career Started

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We’ll explore how to kickstart your career

Internships and Apprenticeships

Understanding the Pathways to Your First Industry Experience

We’ll explore how to kickstart your career by securing an internship or apprenticeship before moving into a full-time role. Let’s clarify the difference between the two:


An internship is a temporary work contract, typically lasting from a week to a few months. While internships are often arranged through schools, they can also be found independently. The goal is to give you a real-world glimpse into the industry, helping you understand the workplace dynamics.


An apprenticeship is a longer-term work contract, usually lasting one to two years. It’s a commitment to learn a craft under the guidance of one or more mentors. This experience is designed to equip you with the skills needed to transition smoothly into a full-time position.

Junior Position

A junior position is your first step into a full-time role after completing an internship or apprenticeship, where you’ll continue to develop your skills in a professional setting.

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