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Will a Robot Steal Your Job?

The Future of the Creative & Design Industry

Is the Creative Industry Really Going to Change?

Why the Future Matters

Will a Robot Steal Your Job?

It’s a common belief that creative roles are safe from automation, but that’s more myth than reality. The creative and design industry is rapidly evolving, and it’s important to understand why these changes are happening and how they might impact your career.

An Industry Subject to Change

The workplace today is vastly different from what it was just ten years ago. The demand for faster, cheaper, and better creative solutions is driving the development of new technologies. These tools aren’t here to replace you; they’re here to assist you. However, the tools and shared mental models in the workplace are constantly evolving, meaning you need to be adaptable to stay relevant.

The Importance of Adaptability

To thrive, businesses must quickly adapt to change—and so must their employees. Your ability to adapt effectively will be crucial to your long-term success in the industry. While many skills can still give you an edge over machines, new tools will inevitably accelerate workflows, meaning you might be expected to do more in less time for less money. But if you find ways to work smarter, this won’t be a problem for you.

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