Louis Vuitton — A Land of Surprise



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Louis Vuitton


Panoply / Heaven


Motion Design


Working together with the Parisian agency Heaven we created a campaign for Louis Vuitton's Gift Collection. Our primary brief was to encompass a wide variety of product stills to be used across multiple platforms including social media and print. We also directed and produced an animated film with alternate cut-down versions to accompany the still imagery.

The film brief was to take the viewer on a journey along side the Louis Vuitton designed delivery van through a world populated by their gifts and products, referred to as "The Land of Surprises".

Keeping a minimally clean approach to the film and print style we were able to give the realistic products stand-out whilst using the animation and direction to achieve a more fantastical narrative. The campaign was so well received by Louis Vuitton they commissioned an additional film and set of stills for the Asian market, released to coincide with Chinese New Year.


Design & Direction

Design & 3D Art Direction
Renaud Futterer

Animation & VFX
Mark Lindner


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